Phēnyx Lounge

Phēnyx Lounge | Episode #6 w/ Edward Latimore
Edward Latimore is a former heavyweight boxer now holds a degree in a physics and writes for a...

Phēnyx Lounge | Episode #5 w/ Jonathan Martin
Jonathan Martin is an Emmy-nominated news anchor. He has also created several initiative including “Beyond The Game.” The goal...

Phēnyx Lounge | Episode #4 w/ Courtney Wilson
Courtney is a fit mom and founder of Fit Beast Training. She specializes in women’s health helping them...

Phēnyx Lounge | Episode #3 w/ Amobi Okugo
First generation Nigerian American who’s the oldest of four siblings from California. He is a professional soccer player...

Phēnyx Lounge | Episode #2 w/ Aro PerFit
The 2nd guest of the Phēnyx Lounge is Aro, the owner of Almost PerFit Fitness, a boutique personal...

Phēnyx Lounge | Episode #1 w/ Mossis Madu
Our first guest on the Phēnyx Lounge is Former NFL Running Back Mossis Madu. Watch as he share...